More Than One Way to Give to Pfeiffer
Whether giving outright today or deferring to tomorrow, the options below can help you determine the best way to maximize your support of the Black & Gold.
Outright Gifts of Cash
Yes, we still accept donations of cash! You’re on campus or at a Pfeiffer event off-campus, and the notion to back the Black & Gold leads to finding that c-note in your wallet. You may give your donation to a Pfeiffer employee who will deliver it to the Advancement Office. Be sure to provide information about your intentions for the gift.
You may also send us a check, made payable to “Ƶ” and accompanied by a note with your intentions for the gift. Please mail it to the Ƶ Advancement Office, PO Box 960, Misenheimer NC 28109. If you are donating at the end of the calendar year and wish to claim your charitable contribution on your tax return, be sure your envelope is postmarked by December 31st.
Donate with your credit card online, at – our secure online giving site. You may also provide your credit card information over the phone, by calling the Advancement Office at (704) 463-3034. Please do not send credit card information via the U.S. Postal Service.
Put Stock in Something That Matters
Did you know that when you donate appreciated stock, you may avoid the tax on the gain while deducting 100% of the value of the contribution? That makes stock gifting one of the most tax-advantaged ways to give. And when you donate stock, we get to keep the proceeds that would have gone to pay taxes – it’s a win-win for you and us! And now it’s fast, safe, and free to donate stock to Ƶ.
We have partnered with to enable our supporters to make stock donations quickly and easily. By clicking on the DonateStock button below, you can initiate a stock gift from your brokerage through a secure portal in minutes at no cost to you.
By gifting stock, your support will have an even greater impact – without denting your pocketbook. If you have any questions or would prefer to initiate a stock gift through an alternate method, please contact the Office of Advancement at or (704) 463-3034.
Qualified Charitable Distributions from an IRA
Donating part or all of your unused IRA assets is an excellent way to make a contribution to Pfeiffer. If you are 70 ½ or above, you may give a gift from your IRA as a tax-free distribution to a qualified charity. Transferring an amount (up to $105,000 annually) from your IRA directly to Pfeiffer can count toward your required minimum distribution without being considered taxable income for you. Contact the Office of Advancement at or (704) 463-3034.
Gifts-In-Kind (Non-Cash Donations)
Gifts-in-kind are donations of tangible personal property such as equipment, materials, company products or inventory. Individuals may also contribute many types of in-kind gifts. Donors should confirm
that the University can utilize a proposed donation of goods or services in our educational operation. Please contact the Office of Advancement at or (704) 463-3034 for additional information.
Gifts Over Time with Pledges or Recurring Donations
You can back the Black & Gold with a pledge of support, paid over a specific time period, or by setting up an indefinite recurring gift. Both are comfortable ways to make a bigger impact, all while staying within your budget and working with your schedule.
If you prefer to make automatic donations with your credit card, you can set up a pledge or recurring gift, with monthly payments, at . If you’d rather give off-line or have a different payment schedule in mind, please contact the Office of Advancement at or (704) 463-3034. We are ready to be of assistance!
Future Giving with a Planned Estate Gift
A planned future gift – through your estate – offers a way to make a significant donation to Pfeiffer. Over 200 alumni, faculty, staff, and friends have included the University in their estate plans, making an impact well beyond their lifetimes. They are members of the Emily Prudden Heritage Society, and we celebrate their vision and insight in support of Pfeiffer’s future generations.
There are many ways to meet your charitable goals and create a lasting legacy at Pfeiffer. A bequest in a donor’s will, a charitable remainder trust, a charitable gift annuity, or a life insurance policy benefit – all are different forms of a planned gift, and some arrangements can often provide tax benefits now. Learn more at .
It is also important for us to know about your intentions and goals in advance. Please contact the Office of Advancement at or (704) 463-3034 to document your planned gift. We can answer your questions and provide tools that will help you with your plans.
Not Sure Where to Direct Your Gift?
Your support has the potential to change lives through exemplary academic and athletic programs, state-of-the-art equipment, intentional mentorship, and real-world experiences. Learn more about the current initiatives at Pfeiffer. We are grateful for your partnership!